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When Preparation Meets Opportunity: Feng Shui for 2024

Hello my dear readers, every month I have posted recommendations on how to utilize the energy in your living space to improve your life because believe it or not the energy in your surroundings is very powerful and it can really make or break your life.

Sometimes the benefits are not easy to see because they are taken for granted. Misfortune tends to be easier to recognize because one only needs to be in the wrong place to get it.

The monthly energy that I share every month is important, ideally, you should move around your home chasing the energy that best suits your needs, or at least avoiding the unfavorable energy, but when dealing with monthly energy, misfortune may simply be catching the flu, so it’s not necessarily serious. How delicate it can be depends on many other factors.

However more important than monthly energy is yearly energy, that is literally a MAKE OR BREAK, and the energy changes in February, so get prepared following these guidelines.

During the year of the Dragon 2024 that starts on February 4th 2024 and runs until February 2nd 2025, the best places to be are SouthWest, East and SouthEast. But most sectors can be used for something, even though a few others it’s better not to use them.

To find the good and the not so good sectors, superimpose a 3x3 grid on your floor plan and determine its orientation with a compass as follows:

Go to the center of the house (or office), hold a compass in your hands pointing towards any direction and stay still until the compass stops moving. Mark that direction on the corresponding box and then label the other boxes accordingly.

SouthWest, East, SouthEast and NorthEast are good to be used if you are interested in feng shui for prosperity, in terms of income and/or professional advancement. To maximize the benefits use them as follows:

  • Work from the SouthWest (move your desk there) and focus on what you want to achieve. The energy in this sector is literally good to turn your vision into reality, of course you also must develop activities consistent with that vision, but the sector will support you. You will be able to attract attention to what you do, so the sector is especially good if you are an entrepreneur or an influencer and even better if you are in a business that deals with technology, or enhancing people’s lives, or providing hope, or unveiling beauty. If you work for yourself, this is the best place to be.
  • Locate your desk in the East if your income source comes from connections and networking. The truth is that we all need connections, even solopreneurs or artists need clients, so this is a favorable place for everybody, but it is especially good if you are in trading or looking for cooperative arrangements. This is also a favorable location to find helpful people, from medical doctors to advisors, and to build teams.
  • If you want authority, leadership, career advancement, or if you need to improve your execution skills, locate yourself in the NorthEast. This is the place you want to position yourself during 2024 while working, but you could also use it to rest. Anyways remember that to maximize the results you must act towards them so focus on your power and strengthen your foundation. This is a very favorable sector if you work for others and/or if you are in charge of a team.
  • SouthEast hosts the energy that used to trigger sickness but from this year forward, until the year 2044, this is the energy of future prosperity, of planting now to harvest later. This energy is literally favorable if you are in land development and sustainability since it represents slow grow at the beginning and perpetual contributions later. Anyways 2024 is a transitioning year so keep your expectations low.

If you are not interested in feng shui for prosperity but you are interested in feng shui for love, the place to be is NorthWest. This is also a good location to receive assistance from smart people and to enhance all your personal relations, even business ones, including increasing your number of clients. Locating yourself in this sector is also favorable to reach academic success or to meditate and turn your knowledge into business skills.

The worse sector of the year is West, the best practice is to avoid it: Don’t sleep there, don’t work there, don’t spend time there every day and don’t come into your house or office through a door in that location. If you don’t have any choice, follow these recommendations:

  • If you don’t have any other place to stay, diminish the strength of the unfavorable energy placing heavy metal objects in that location.
  • If you don’t have any other doors to enter your place, divert the energy: locate a screen right inside the door to force you, your family members, your visitors and the flow of Qi to go to the Southwest or Northwest before actually going inside the rest of the place.

South is not so recommended either because it could trigger broken promises or negotiations and even robbery and lawsuits. You could use the sector with caution if you have no choice, it won’t kill you, but the energy there is not helpful.

Staying in the North sector is safe, it hosts the energy of responsibility and hard work, so you will be able to exchange your hard work for money, but the effort might be greater than the return so if you want to make it easier on you, do not work from this location, go to another more supportive sector.

Feng shui is like an onion, it has many layers. These recommendations are very powerful, but they are just one layer. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or schedule a free consultation if you want to unveil more layers through a personalized feng shui evaluation and make 2024 a much better year.

Happy Holidays!

The Christmas Tree & Feng Shui


Not everybody celebrates Christmas in the same way but everybody who celebrates Christmas has a Christmas tree so let’s kill two birds with one stone:

Go over December’s feng shui and find a place for the Christmas tree.

In Chinese culture the evergreen pine tree is a symbol of longevity. Chinese believe that there is no good luck without a long life that is why longevity is one of the most important life aspirations and one of the purposes of good feng shui.

There are different ways to support our life aspirations and the most basic one is to display symbols of good fortune. In this case the symbol would be the Christmas tree that is the same as the evergreen pine tree, and the location is the longevity sector in our home.

Every dwelling has a longevity sector, check out the table below to locate yours based on your house facing direction that is most of the times your main street direction. 

House Facing

Longevity Sector

















For instance, if your house’s main street is on the west side, the longevity sector is Southeast and that is where your Christmas tree should be.

If using your Christmas tree to boost your longevity doesn’t appeal to you, how about using it to enhance relationships?

The Christmas tree belongs to the Chinese element wood and could be represented by a star known as star 4. Star 4 symbolizes love and academic success, and it becomes stronger when it combines with star 1 that belongs to the Chinese element water.

During the month of December 2023, that starts on December 7th, stars 1 and 4 are together in the Southwest so placing the Christmas tree in that sector and utilizing that space can promote networking and improved personal relationships.

In case you don’t know, the South sector is associated with the Chinese fire element, and during the month of December 2023 it hosts stars that support wealth through work. Since wood supports fire, having the Christmas tree in that sector and utilizing that space can support income generation, primarily through sales and improved relationships with prospective clients.

If South and Southwest are not available in your home, you can also try to place the Christmas tree in the Northeast and use the sector to find love, but if you are already in a relationship, be careful, do not cross the boundaries.

North is ok for the Christmas tree but not so much for good luck or relationships, unless you want to seek attention creating controversy and being very argumentative.

The worse sector during the month of December 2023 is East, you can have the Christmas tree there, but don’t utilize the sector, do not gather, work, or sleep there. If you don’t have any choice, balance the unfavorable energy with heavy metal objects, but it is anyways better to avoid the sector.

The West sector is usable, but communication with your superiors might be challenged. You might find it difficult to get your message across so make sure you improve your communication skills.

Northwest is relatively usable to generate income too, but you could feel stuck and you might fall sick so use it with caution.

It is time to start setting up your 2024 YEARLY FENG SHUI. Email me This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.or set up a FREE consultation HERE to learn more about it.