Make it happen through feng shui.
As we enter the final quarter of 2024, we are greeted by auspicious energy in most sectors around us, so it should be easier to get rewards or achieve goals. Nevertheless, remember that to take advantage of these intangible influences you must act, you must occupy the place(s) with favorable energy, and you should also expect benefits in the realm of possibilities. For instance, if you pretend to sell pork to Muslims, no matter how hard you work and how good you are at applying feng shui principles, feng shui is not going to help you sell because Muslims don’t eat pork.
Feng shui is a science because its formulas and fundamentals are based on empirical research, they have been proven for thousands of years, but it is also an art because experience and judgment are critical in its implementation, so This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have questions.
During the month of September that starts on September 7th and runs until October 7th, the energy in your living and/or working space would help you achieve the following goals, if you act towards those goals from the designated sectors.
Use the NORTHWEST if you want to work hard and get a lot done. Especially if you're trying to understand financial matters and/or dive into investments or wealth management, The energy will help you find the answer to your questions and be on the path to success.
Stay in the NORTH sector of your living and/or working space if you are looking to strengthen your connections and build trust and a solid foundation for progress. This is the perfect setting for team building and slow but steady growth.
NORTHEAST is also appropriate for building solid relationships, but in this case those relationships are not focus on growth or progress, they are focus on knowledge or talents. This is a great place to be if you’re looking for mentors, advisors, doctors, or any other type of helpful people.
During the month of September, the East-West axis is unfavorable. Staying in the EAST could even trigger ear, kidney or bladder sickness, and if you don’t get sick you could still feel entangled in situations that you don’t know how to handle. If you have no choice and you must stay in that sector, I suggest you place some heavy metal objects to neutralize the energy.
The WEST sector is nasty, staying there could trigger misunderstandings, arguments and gossip so it would be better to avoid the sector, unless you’re a sensationalist journalist.
Staying at the SOUTHEAST is appropriate to plan, reassess your direction and fine-tune your strategy. Nevertheless, if you’re sick it would be better to avoid the sector.
The energy in the SOUTH is favorable to be in the spotlight and become the center of attention so you could use it to attract more followers as a leader and/or as an influencer. Nevertheless, choose your words wisely because the energy could trigger extreme love or extreme hate depending on what you say.
SOUTHWEST is appropriate to enhance your learning and mental growth, but make sure you study something that is worth studying and will make you a better person, otherwise you will waste energy. If you’re not into learning something, you can also use the sector to connect more with your family and understand their needs.
Make September a month to remember.