Do You Have Any Addictions?


Addictions are not just to drugs or alcohol. There are many types of addictions because these are psychological and physical disorders characterized by a dependency not only to a substance, it can also be to an activity or behavior that produces gratification or reduces suffering.

Addictions often have negative consequences on the individual’s health, well-being, and social life, so it is important to control them.

When there is an addiction, it is because there is some kind of blockage in the liver energy system, which also encompasses the gall bladder. The gall bladder is the one that gives you the capacity to discern and make wise decisions.

When your vital energy qi gets stronger, that energy transforms into wisdom energy. When your wisdom energy goes wrong, you make poor decisions and poor decisions can lead to addictions.

To control your addictions, re-establish the energy flow and strengthen your liver energy system as follows:

  • Tap on the gall bladder energy point located at the highest point of the shoulder, midway to the neck. Do it for one to three minutes one to three times a day. This will also help you release any stiffness in your neck.

Gall bladder 21

  • Eat one or two green kiwis with skin every day.
  • Feel happy or at least say to yourself that you are happy all the time. Remember that happiness is a choice so even if don’t yet feel happy, say that you are happy as much as you can and happiness will come to you.
  • During 2023, stay at the southeast bedroom of your living space, the energy in that location not only supports your liver energy system, it also gives you the courage to achieve transformation.

To keep all your energy systems in good shape practice The Five Morning Habits To Win The Day every day.


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