Tension in the Neck?


When there is tension in the neck there tends to be no communication between the head and the torso.

When there is no communication between the head and the torso, there is no communication between the brain and the heart.

In case you have not read me before, according to Chinese metaphysical studies, the brain hosts the conscious mind, the decision maker, while the heart hosts the subconscious mind, which is the one connected to the universal wisdom.

In other words, the heart is wiser than the mind, and on top of that it is also humbler. Therefore, when there is no communication between the brain and the heart, the mind takes over and when the mind takes over, it does it without mercy. It can lead us to great inventions, but it can also immerse us in deep states of anxiety and depression.

To promote communication between the head and the torso, which supports communication between the brain and the heart, massage your C7 vertebra, which is the protruding bone toward the top of the spine, at the bottom of the neck. Do it as follows:

  • Use either hand and massage around the vertebra in a circular way.
  • Squeeze the skin around the vertebra and hold it tightly for three seconds, and then release and squeeze again.


Follow one or both methods for two or three minutes, two or three times a day or as needed.

Massaging C7 is also beneficial when there are headaches, colds, fever, and shoulder pain.

Add massaging C7 to your morning routine for increased benefits.


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