The Second Half of the Year is Here…

Feng Shui 4

According to Chinese sages, the year start on February so August marks the beginning of the second half… and it implies an energy shift.

To benefit from this energy shift, practice feng shui and remember that the most important feng shui practice is physical usage of the space.

During this month, which runs from August 7th to September 7th, the most favorable sectors to occupy are Southwest, South and Southeast. In all three you will be safe but if you use them for what they are good for, it would be better.

In the Southwest you have the best potential to exchange your time and effort for money. It is also a great place to obtain cooperation from others, so develop all your business activities from this location.

West is good to improve communication skills through education, or to use your communication skills to teach. It is also good to obtain cooperation from others.

Northwest is once again nasty or aggressive. It is good if you are in sports or in a very competitive business and you have the skills to win. It is also good to improve courage and stamina but if that is not what you are looking for, it is better to stay away.

North is good to develop activities related to the entertainment business or to spread the word, like an influencer. If that is what you do for a living, move your working station to that location.

Staying in the Northeast could make your words too harsh for others so think and breathe before you talk and mostly before answering any comment or request. To avoid hurting others and getting in trouble, I suggest you avoid this sector and/or display some metal objects as part of its decoration.

East is not great either, but it would be ok unless you are sick. If that is the case, be careful and get a checkup. The energy during the month will help you find what is wrong, so you can take action to solve it. I suggest you also display some metal objects in this location.

South is favorable for power and authority, and it is also good to exchange your time and effort for money, so use this sector if you want a promotion, if you want recognition, or just to make August a prosperous month.

The Southeast is also good for business but think and breathe before you talk because your temper could run high.

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