"As a business man and wellness professional, I had gotten to a point in my life that I needed to make important decisions regarding certain opportunities in my life.I wanted to know if the time was right, I had several options to consider and I needed help to make the right choice, so I consulted Viviana and she gave me clarity.Not only did she help, she also made me realize some of my personality traits that I needed to capitalize on, as well as some that were holding me back.Now I am clear and on my path, I can see clearly now and my goals are in sight". Thanks Viviana!
"My experience with Bazi (Chinese Astrology) with Viviana has been miraculous. it was her brilliant methods that helped me overcome my tribulations. I’m very thankful to her kind and patient approach. I find her humble and a pool of knowledge".
Hazlo realidad a través del feng shui. A medida que entramos en el último trimestre del 2024, recibimos energía favorable en la mayoría de...
El feng shui traduce literalmente viento y agua, lo que significa que el viento y el agua se encargan de transportar las energías en...
Muchas personas relacionan el Feng Shui con la estética, pero el Feng Shui va más allá de la estética, es una herramienta poderosa para...
En el ajetreo y el bullicio de la vida moderna, a menudo pasamos por alto las influencias sutiles, pero profundas, que dan forma a nuestras...