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Triggering Results Through Feng Shui During 2021

Your life is determined by what is given to you at the time of birth, by your actions and by the environment.

To trigger results during the year of the Ox 2021, which starts on February 3rd, 2021 at 10:58 PM, use your environment according to the feng shui recommendations explained below.

Feng shui is about location, direction and time for this reason the best feng shui practice is to locate yourself in the place where there is favorable energy or to do what is favorable to be done in the place where you are at.

During the year of the Ox 2021 the best places to be are West, Northeast and South. This applies to your residence and to your place of work. Since most likely your residence is currently your place of work, you only have to do the analysis once 😊

To find those places, superimpose a 3x3 grid on your floor plan and determine its orientation with a compass (it could be an app for your mobile phone) as follows:

Go to the center of the house, apartment, or office, hold a compass in your hands pointing towards any direction and stay still until the compass stops moving. Mark that direction on the corresponding box and then label the other boxes accordingly.

West and Northeast are good to be used if you are interested in feng shui for wealth:

  • If you are looking for cash, for instance if you want more sales, locate yourself in the West.
  • If you want to improve your return on investments and/or have access to more investment opportunities, locate yourself in the Northeast.

South is the place to be if you want access to helpful people like mentors or advisors, or even if you need to find a good doctor, or if you need to fix legal problems. This is also the place to be if you are planning to start a new business but make sure the new business is in a thriving industry. Due to the pandemic many industries have collapsed and locating yourself in the South won’t be enough to revive the market.  

In any case, take action to reach your goals because feng shui creates opportunity but it is your responsibility to turn those opportunities into actual gains.

If you are not interested in feng shui for wealth but you are interested in feng shui for health, you could stay in the Center of the property. But you would be better off contacting me to get a personalized recommendation because at the end, health is the greatest wealth.

If what you want is feng shui for love, the place to be is East. This is also a good location to enhance all your personal relations, even the business ones, including increasing your number of clients. For instance, if you want to increase sales but you don’t have any clients, it would be better to locate yourself in this sector for some time until you get some prospects and then locate yourself in the West to close sales.

Locating yourself in the East is also favorable to reach academic achievements or to meditate and turn your knowledge into business skills.

The worse sector of the year is the Southeast, the best practice is to avoid it: Don’t sleep there, don’t work there, don’t spend time there every day and don’t come into your house or office through a door in that location. If you don’t have any choice, follow these recommendations:

  • If you don’t have any other place to stay, diminish the strength of the unfavorable energy placing heavy metal objects in that location.
  • If you don’t have any other doors to enter your place, divert the energy: locate a screen right inside the door to force you, your family members, your visitors and the flow of Qi to go to the South or the East before going around the rest of the place. You already know what those two sectors are good for so if both options are feasible, go for the one that better fits your needs.

Another sector that is not so favorable is North. Staying there could cause illness but if you don’t mind having that risk, you may use the sector to nurture you market.

Southwest and Northwest are not so recommended either because they could cause arguments and discord, however, you may use them as follows:

  • Locate yourself in the Southwest if you want to shake up your life and reach any type of transformation, or if you need courage to take action and reach your goals. It might be painful but at the end you will become a better self.
  • Locate yourself in the Northwest if you want to improve your communication skills. Most likely you will also go through verbal disagreements but you will get your message across.

If you can't locate your bed, your desk, or your couch to spend 6 or more hours a day in the location that suits your needs, you can activate the energy in that location to get the benefits, but for that you have to contact me because activations must be done on favorable dates that connect with your birthdate.

Follow my recommendations and make the year of the Ox 2021 a great year!

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Qi and Feng Shui


If you have heard about FengShui you have probably heard about Qi (pronounced “chi”) and you have probably asked yourself what is it?

Qi is the backbone of Chinese Metaphysics, it is the subject matter of practices like feng shui, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), acupuncture or meditation, to name some.

Qi is the energy that circulates and permeates the universe: Qi is within us, around us and throughout the whole universe.

Qi is known as vital energy or universal life force because it brings life to all-natural things, from mountains, to rivers, to human beings. But for Qi to bring life it has to flow, if Qi gets stuck, it causes problems and eventually life stops.

Qi has two basic forms: Yin and Yang. A perfect world or a perfect life requires Yin and Yang to be in perfect balance.

In our body Qi flows through the meridian system, an invisible energy system that contains energy points and energy centers. All sicknesses are caused by Qi blockages in that system, when the blockages are removed through acupuncture or other healing techniques, we restore the flow of Qi and achieve health.

On earth, Qi flows on the wind (feng) and rests on the water (shui). Qi is conceived through the interaction between the universe and earth’s natural forms (mountains and rivers), and it is contained, conducted and/or emanated by those natural forms. Qi can be favorable and in such case it nourishes, or unfavorable and in such case it harms.  

Classical feng shui focuses on the flow of Qi on earth. After thousands of years of empirical research the Chinese established rules to assess it and to quantify its benefits on properties, depending on the properties’ connection to the environment and the way they receive Qi.

Qi always flows from the external environment to the internal environment and the main objective of feng shui is to facilitate the flow of favorable Qi into and within properties.

We cannot see Qi flow but we can determine the features that are conducive of favorable Qi flow and the features that are conducive of unfavorable Qi flow.

Qi is primarily received from outside, this is why it is important to assess the connection of properties to their land, based on the position of their doors.

The assessment of Qi can be performed visually or by formula. If we cannot see the physical features, we can still get an idea of the quality of Qi that properties receive, based on formulas.

Whether we are looking at forms or using formulas we have to understand the theory of the five elements water, wood, fire, earth and metal, which are the phases or movements of Qi in the environment, generated from the interaction between yin and yang.

The elements can be physical, for instance a water pond represents water, a plant represents wood, a lit candle represents fire, a crystal represents earth and a copper figure represents metal. However, the five elements are mostly calculated and represented by the direction and location of planets and stars in the universe. Applying the five elements theory allows us to achieve Qi balance and fix problems.

Everything that exists is represented by en element or a mixture of elements. Ideal feng shui is simple: The environment should produce the element of the property and the property should produce the element of the occupants, the more time the occupants stay in a property that produces them, the better their lives will be.

Stay tuned to learn how to apply this simple feng shui principle or contact me to apply additional principles and get even better and faster results.