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Who is Your Life Partner?


Who is your life partner?

Your job?

Your significant other?

Your mom?

Your dad?

Your son or daughter?

Your friend?


Your true-life partner is your body... as mundane as it may be.

Once your body stops responding, no one is there with you.

You and your body are together from the moment you are born until you die.

What you do to your body is your responsibility.

Believe it or not, your health and your illness are your responsibility, therefore, you have the power to trigger them.

You have the power to make your body deteriorate and be useless, and you have the power to make your body work and serve you for many more years.

The more you take care of your body, the more your body takes care of you.

What you eat, what you do to be fit, how you manage your stress, how you pursue balance... decides how your body responds.

Your body is your only permanent residence.

Money comes and goes, job roles change, friends and relatives are not permanent, your body is the only one that stays with you always.

Leave me a comment if you want to know what else to do to make your body work for many more years. While you do that, don’t stop practicing The Five Morning Habits to Win the Day, those are a great start :)

Your body is your asset or your liability, what would you like it to be? It's up to you.


The Importance of Habits


Whether you consider your habits to be good or bad, all habits are hard to break, this is why they are so important.

Finding habits hard to break is perfect for something you want to sustain, so creating habits that allow you to reach your goals is the way to go.

If you want to manage stress, live a healthy, balanced and fulfilled life, focus on habits that support that.

Forming habits reduces the need for willpower because we do things without having to think about them too much.

Habits emerge from the gradual learning of associations between responses and the features of performance contexts that have historically accompanied them (e.g., physical settings, preceding actions).

Once a habit is formed, the perception of contexts triggers the associated response without the need for a mediating objective.

The above explains why when you practice The Five Morning Habits to Win the Day, for 30 days, at the same time, under the same physical settings, you might skip some days, and at that time, under those physical settings, your body still experiences the benefits.

The fact that habits are difficult to break is clearly a good thing if you want to maintain them, but not so good if you want to change them. Experts say that the best way to break a habit is to replace it with another one so if you have a bad habit, replace it with a positive one, select something alternative to be or to do and make sure to choose something that supports your goals.

Last but not least, remember this famous quote:

“Your beliefs become your thoughts, Your thoughts become your words, Your words become your actions, Your actions become your habits, Your habits become your values, Your values become your destiny.” Gandhi

Choose your habits wisely. 😊