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Are You in Pain?


If you have pain anywhere in your body, there are several things that you can do to diminish it and even to get rid of it. Your body has the capacity to recover, but it needs your help.

First, there is a pain management point in your hands, which you can massage as often as you want in a circular way or anyway. It is at the depression between the end of your index finger bone, and your thumb, so use your other thumb (on any hand, but preferably on your right hand) to massage that point on any hand (preferably on your left hand). This is a very simple exercise that you can practice anywhere.



Second, as hard as it might be and/or as weird as it might sound, do not hate your pain, that is not going to take it away, it might only increase its strength. Instead of hating it, appreciate it, treat it with love and kindness because it is helping you, it is letting you know that something is going wrong and that there might be a behavior that you need to change.

Third, when you massage the pain point in your hand, or at any other time that you consciously set aside, give thanks to your pain for the lesson that you are learning through it, tell it to please go and visualize it turning into smoke and going away.

Fourth, while you follow my third recommendation, or at any other time that you consciously set aside, breathe deeply and slowly. You may do it as described in The Five Morning Habits to Win the Day, or at least just deeply and slowly, because breathing deeply improves almost everything.


There are other points in your body to specifically calm some type of pains. Leave me a comment telling me where you feel the pain, and I will let you know where to massage your body.



Feeling Down?


If you are feeling down or sad, and even if you suffer from some type of depression, the organ you need to focus on is not your brain, it is your lungs!

Yes, as weird as it sounds, and even though the brain is the one that hosts the neurons, which are responsible for triggering the release of hormones that make you happy, from the vital energy Qi standpoint, which tends to be the core subject of my posts, the lungs are very much associated with sadness, grief and depression.

Of course, the lungs are associated with other functions in the body, for instance they are responsible for regulating your vital energy and they are also connected with the brain, that is why they have a connection with depression.

When you feel down, sad, or depressed, use your middle finger to massage the point located in the middle of your chest between your breasts. This point has a strong connection with your entire chest.

Massage this point in a circular way on one direction and then on the other direction, for one to three minutes on each direction, two or more times a day, or as needed, until you feel relief.

While you do that, smile, do you know why you should smile? Check The Five Morning Habits to Win the Day to find out.